Sunday, October 26, 2008

Waiting for Reed

We have waited 2 long years for this day and it's finally arrived....MARCH 19, 2008.....REeD cOmES hOMe!!!!!!! Funny thing is, the night before I couldn't sleep; a text message from Jenn at 1:45 a.m, solidified the fact that no one else could sleep either. She told me that Adam walked up the stairs really late and just said, "How am I suppose to sleep?" We were all so excited: Mom and dad in Florida for business---they couldn't sleep, me in Chicago---I couldn't sleep (and when I say I couldn't sleep, I mean I shut my eyes for 30 minutes that night, no lie!), and Adam and Jenn in MN---they couldn't sleep. WE were just so excited to see Reed, hear him talk about Jamaica and the people, and just to squeeze him!

Sisters waiting for Reed

SO EXCITED to see Reed

We can't stop smiling!!

and Dad waiting for their last missionary

Waiting for our family to be complete again with Reed.

Adam being goofy

Reed knew Jenn really well before he left, and since he's been gone two big things have happened....-Adam and Jenn got married AND Sadie Marie was born.

Sadie waiting to meet her Uncle Reed
This picture is hilarious-kind of an inside joke. As you can imagine, emotions were high today and everyone was hyper....we were laughing because Reed's plane was suppose to get in
at 5:33 pm and we heard that number about 800 times last night "Do you think his plane really came in at 5:33?" "Maybe it's earlier than 5:33, what if it came earlier"
"I don't think his plane comes in at 5:33---I don't think that's right."
Everytime we heard 5:33, Adam and I cracked up. This picture is dedicated to the many many times we heard 5:33 yesterday!

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