Sunday, October 26, 2008



This was the scene at the airport! This is the closest we could get to him without actually being at his gate (like the good ol' days). My mom had made it 2 years and she didn't want to wait another minute!

Mom and Dad waiting for Reed. 

Adam was so excited for Reed to see Sadie and she kept looking at the stairs, waiting for her Uncle Reed!

It's been a long 2 years!!!! Mom waited so long to hug Reed, we're all so proud of him!

He looks so good!

Proud Dad hugging his son after a long 2 years.

I was so excited to see him. I started crying the second I saw him!

Jenn was so excited to see Reed too!

Reed couldn't wait to see GAM!

Reed meeting Sadie for the first time. Sadie loves her Uncle Reed and he fell in love with her instantly....everyone does!

I tried to snap so many pictures, but I could barely see because of my happy tears!

He got his bags, we're ready to go HOME!!

Jenn made Reed this awesome Jamaican sign. It was 50 degrees outside (the rest of MN was loving it) and Reed was FREEZING!

A proud mom with her son FINALLY home!

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