Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Memorial Weekend at home...

Love long weekends where I'm able to go home to spend time with the people I love the most!
Hope you enjoy the overdue pictures from the fun weekend!

Sadie and I laughing together after bath time!

We had fun sprinkler time in the sun!

Sadie telling us that she runs up to the sprinkler from far far away.

playing with the sprinkler

Look at this cute face!

This was hilarious. My mom took Sadie into the house and they came back outside with these shoes on Sadie. Sadie proceeded to tell us that these shoes were "Abby's when she was a little girl, and they fit me just right!" She loves these shoes!

Sadie telling Gam all the things she did that day and reading books.

Little Crew continues to be the best baby ever! Love him!

Notice that Sadie is now in her are still on.

Sadie now in her pj' still on.

We went to the lake one day while I was home- the water was cold, but that didn't stop Sadie!

Sadie and Me sitting together eating watermelon. We love it!

We were able to celebrate Adam's birthday a couple days early since I was home for the weekend. One of Sadie's favorite treats is Dilly Bars- So everyone got a dilly bar as we sang Happy Birthday to Adam- 30 YEARS OLD! YIKES!

It's always so hard to leave....I love my family more than anything!

How can I say goodbye to little Crew??

This is what I drove away from the house seeing....I love this sight but hate it at the same time because it means I'm leaving. SAD. I always have such a great time when I'm home, it's always so hard to leave. I am really blessed to have the close family relationships that I have.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Crew Michael Hornung....cutest boy you ever did see!

February 23, 2010 we welcomed Crew into this world-I think he's the cutest little boy ever!

First time I met my little Crew- I just had to smooch his cheeks!

So happy to finally be holding our little buddy!

Sadie is such a proud big sister. She wants to play with Crew and make him laugh :)

New Daddy loves getting his picture taken- isn't it obvious? haha

Sadie is such a big girl holding her little brother!

If this isn't the cutest little family....

So dang cute!

Jenn's parents were able to come to MN for Crew's blessing

Hornung crew at Crew's blessing celebration!

Mom & Dad with Adam, Jenn, Crew & Sadie (as you can see Sadie loves touching
her little brother)
Me with the cutest niece and nephew ever!

Reed with Crew and Sadie- proud Uncle!

Reed with Grandma

I have the worlds greatest Grandma- I love you Grandma!

And the greatest sister in law- I love you Jenn!

The kids

my brothers and I being goofy- as usual!

The girls

My little man in his blessing outfit.