Turns out....I have the greatest friends in Chicago. A phrase you'll hear a lot in our singles branch (soon to be a ward), is we may not have quantity (we're working on that), but we do have QUALITY. How true that is! These friends would do anything for me- as I would for them. We are protective of each other and very supportive as we're continuing to make important life decisions. I am so thankful for the friends I have here. What would I do without each of them here...as Tiff Fortna would say...perish. enough said.
Amanda, Me, Tiff at WICKED!
Sunday dinner- this sums us up pretty well, so fun and so goofy!
Kim and I at the St. Louis temple....ohh...remember when we got locked in the temple grounds?
The crew at Nauvoo- summer 2010
St. Louis crew :)
Enjoying a comedy show
JJoe, Steph, me and Brett
Rock'n'Roll McDonalds....ohhh yaa!
Kim, Tiff and I
just tough.
Amanda and I at Red Mango
The Crew at Wicked celebrating Amanda's 25th. Happy Birthday Amanda!
Amanda, me, BL and Tiff enjoying Wicked!
Amanda and I at her birthday dinner :)- love her.
Tiff and I- love her.
Chris, me and BL (Becky)